India - Household Consumer Expenditure: NSS 55th Round, Schedule 1, July 1999 - June 2000
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-55Rnd-Sch1-July1999-June2000 |
Year | 1999 - 2000 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
![]() |
Created on
Aug 26, 2015
Last modified
Oct 23, 2015
Page views
- Blocks 1,3,12_Househ
old Characteristics - Block 4_Demographic
and Other Particular
s of Household Membe
rs - Block 5_Monthly hous
ehold expenditure on
food and non-food i
tems - Block 5pt1_Monthly h
ousehold expenditure
on fuel and light - Block 6_Annual house
hold expenditure on
clothing - Block 7_Annual house
hold expenditure on
footwear - Block 8pt1_Annual ho
usehold expenditure
on education and med
ical (institutional)
goods and services - Block 8pt2_Monthly h
ousehold expenditure
on miscellaneous go
ods and services inc
luding medical (non-
institutional), rent
s and taxes - Block 9_Annual house
hold expenditure on
durable goods - Block 10pt2_Monthly
household consumptio
n of selected non-fo
od items from home-p
roduced stock - Block 11_Monthly hou
sehold purchase of s
elected commodities
supplied through PDS - Block 13_Non-food it
ems received as part
of wages and salari
es or perquisites an
d gifts given and gi
fts received by the
Variable Groups
Data Description
Data File: Blocks 1,3,12_Household Characteristics
Content | Household characteristics like, household size, principal industry-occupation, social group, land possessed, primary source of energy used for cooking and lighting etc. and perception of the household regarding sufficiency of food have been recorded in these blocks. |
Cases | 120309 |
Variable(s) | 73 |
Structure: | Type: relational Keys: HHID (Primary key - unique identifier for a household) |
Name | Label | Question | |
HHID | Primary key - unique identifier for a household | ||
ID | ID | ||
RoundSchedule | Round Schedule | ||
Sector | Sector | ||
State_region | State region | ||
State | State | ||
Stratum | Stratum number | ||
District | District | ||
SubRound | Sub Round | ||
SubSample | Sub Sample | ||
Vill_Blk_Slno | Serial no of village / Block | ||
VisitNo | Visit Number | ||
SegmentNo | Segment number | ||
Stage2_Stratum | Second Stage Stratum | ||
Hhold_no | Sample Household number | ||
Survey_Code | Survey Code | ||
Substn_Code | Substitution Code | ||
NSS | NSS | ||
NSC | NSC | ||
MULT | MULT | ||
ss_replicate | ss-replicate | ||
mpce30 | mpce30 | ||
mpce7 | mpce7 | ||
B3_q1 | Household Size | How many members are there in the household? | |
B3_q2 | NIC | Which industry are the members working in? | |
B3_q3 | NCO | Which occupation are the members in? | |
B3_q4 | Household type | ||
HH_Type | Sector wise household type | ||
B3_q5 | Religion | Which religion does the household belong to? | |
B3_q6 | Social Group | Which social group does the household belong to? | |
B3_q7 | Whether owns any land | Whether household owns any land? | |
B3_q8 | Type of land owned | ||
B3_q9 | Land owned (0.00 hectares) | ||
B3_q10 | Land leased in (0.00 hectares) | ||
B3_q11 | Land neither owned nor leased in (0.00 hectares) | ||
B3_q12 | Land leased out (0.00 hectares) | ||
B3_q13 | Total Land Possessed (0.00 hectares) | ||
B3_q14 | Total Cultivated Land | ||
B3_q15 | Land Irrigated | ||
B3_q16 | Does the household possess a kitchen garden | ||
B3_q17 | Cooking code | What is the primary source of energy that is being used by the household for cooking? | |
B3_q18 | Lighting code | What is the primary source of energy that is being used by the household for lighting? | |
B3_q19 | HH Recd Any Income from Assistance from IRDP | Whether household received any income from assistance from IRDP? | |
B3_q20 | Did any member work for 60 days on public works | Did any member work for 60 days on public works? | |
B3_q21 | HH Recd Any Income from Cultivation | Whether household received any income from cultivation? | |
B3_q22 | HH Recd Any Income from Fishing /Other Agricultural Enterprises | Whether household received any income from fishing or other agricultural enterprise? | |
B3_q23 | HH Recd Any Income from wage salaried enterprise | Whether household received any income from wage salaried enterprise? | |
B3_q24 | HH Recd Any Income from non agricultural enterprise | Whether household received any income from non agricultural enterprise? | |
B3_q25 | HH Recd Any Income from Pension | Whether household received any income from pension? | |
B3_q26 | HH Recd Any Income from Rent | Whether household received any income from rent? | |
B3_q27 | HH Recd Any Income from Remittance | Whether household received any income from remittance? | |
B3_q28 | HH Recd Any Income from Interest & Dividends | Whether household received any income from interest and dividends? | |
B3_q29 | HH Recd Any Income from Others | Whether household received any income from other sources? | |
B12_q1 | Whether Enough food? | Whether household usually eats enough food? | |
B12_q2_1 | Month code when not enough food | In which months of the year the household does not get enough food? | |
B12_q2_2 | Month code when not enough food | In which months of the year the household does not get enough food? | |
B12_q2_3 | Month code when not enough food | In which months of the year the household does not get enough food? | |
B12_q2_4 | Month code when not enough food | In which months of the year the household does not get enough food? | |
B12_q2_5 | Month code when not enough food | In which months of the year the household does not get enough food? | |
B12_q2_6 | Month code when not enough food | In which months of the year the household does not get enough food? | |
B12_q2_7 | Month code when not enough food | In which months of the year the household does not get enough food? | |
B12_q2_8 | Month code when not enough food | In which months of the year the household does not get enough food? | |
B12_q2_9 | Month code when not enough food | In which months of the year the household does not get enough food? | |
B12_q2_10 | Month code when not enough food | In which months of the year the household does not get enough food? | |
B12_q2_11 | Month code when not enough food | In which months of the year the household does not get enough food? | |
B12_q2_12 | Month code when not enough food | In which months of the year the household does not get enough food? | |
TotalNoMonthsNotEnoughFood | Total number of months when not enough food | ||
B12_q3 | Whether Question (Whether Enough food) actually asked? | Whether the question (Whether enough food) actually asked? | |
tmcnv | tmcnv | ||
MPC_Code_R_U | MPC-CODE(R/U) | ||
MPC_Code_Combined | MPC-CODE(COMB) | ||
Wgt_SubSample | Multiplier - Sub Sample | ||
Wgt_Combined | Multiplier - Combined | ||
Total variable(s):
73 |