India - Social Consumption - Education Survey: NSS 71st Round, Schedule 25.2 , January 2014 -June 2014
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-71st-Sch25dot2-2014 |
Year | 2014 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
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Created on
Aug 27, 2015
Last modified
Oct 23, 2015
Page views
- Block-1&2- Level
-01-Identification o
f sample household a
nd particulars of fi
eld operations - Block-3-Level-02 Hou
sehold Characteristi
cs - Block-4 - Level -03
Demographic and othe
r particulars of Hou
sehold members - Block-6 - Level-04 P
articulars of expend
iture - Block-5 - Level-05 e
ducation particulars
on basic course - Block-7 - Level-06 P
articulars of person
s currently not atte
nding any educationa
l institute
Data Description
File | Description | Cases | Variables |
Block-1&2- Level-01-Identification of sample household and particulars of field operations | Contains Identification particulars of the sample household and particulars of field operations | 65926 | 40 |
Block-3-Level-02 Household Characteristics | Certain household characteristics, such as, household size, principal industry, principal occupation, household type, religion, social-group, the distance to the nearest primary, upper primary and secondary schools, whether the household has computer and access to internet, household's usual consumer expenditure in a month, etc. is recorded in this block. | 65926 | 37 |
Block-4 - Level -03 Demographic and other particulars of Household members | This block contains demographic particulars (viz., relation to head, sex, age, and marital status), educational level, status of current educational enrolment and attendance and response to queries on IT literacy etc. | 310827 | 38 |
Block-6 - Level-04 Particulars of expenditure | This dataset records all the private expenditures (item-wise) incurred and/or to be incurred during the current academic session on the education of the household members on the basic course canvassed in block 5. If duration of the course is more than one year, then current academic session will be taken as of one-year even if the course follows three to six months semester system and accordingly the expenditure will be recorded. The amount should be recorded in nearest rupees in whole number. | 93513 | 34 |
Block-5 - Level-05 education particulars on basic course | This dataset contains education particulars on basic courses of those aged 5-29 years who are currently attending at primary level and above. A household member is considered a student if he is aged between 5 - 29 years and currently attending a course at primary level and above. The canvassing of this block is based on the particulars of a basic course, for students only. | 93513 | 56 |
Block-7 - Level-06 Particulars of persons currently not attending any educational institute | This dataset contains information on persons who are not currently attending any educational institution including those, who are currently enrolled but currently not attending. | 51657 | 36 |