India - Household Expenditure on Services Durable Goods : NSS Round 72, Schedule 1.5, July 2014 - June 2015
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-72Rnd-Sch1.5-July2014-June2015 |
Year | 2014 - 2015 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
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Created on
Nov 04, 2016
Last modified
Nov 21, 2016
Page views
- Block1 & 2 - Ide
ntification of sampl
e household and part
iculars of field ope
ration - Block 3 - Household
characteristics - Block 4 - Demographi
c particulars of hou
sehold members - Block 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
- transport expendit
ure, misc. consumer
services, repairs an
d maintence of selec
ted items, AMC contr
acts, hotel lodging
charges, during last
7 days or last 30 d
ays or 365 days. - Block 10 - Expenditu
re on durable goods
acquired during the
last 365 days other
those used exclusive
ly for entrepreneuri
al activity.
Variable Groups
Data Description
File | Description | Cases | Variables |
Block1 & 2 - Identification of sample household and particulars of field operation | Identification particulars of a sample household was recorded in Block 1. The identity of the investigator/ assistant superintending officer and the supervisory officer associated with the work, date of survey/inspection/scrutiny of schedules, date of despatch, etc., were recorded in block 2. | 83600 | 39 |
Block 3 - Household characteristics | Household characteristics like size, type, religion , social group and monthly consumer expenditure were recorded in this block. | 83600 | 33 |
Block 4 - Demographic particulars of household members | All members of the sample household and their name, relation to head, sex and age were recorded. | 390724 | 28 |
Block 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 - transport expenditure, misc. consumer services, repairs and maintence of selected items, AMC contracts, hotel lodging charges, during last 7 days or last 30 days or 365 days. | In Block 5 and 6, transport expenditure incurred by the household are recorded in this schedule irrespective of whether the journey is undertaken for domestic purpose or for entrepreneurial activity. In Block 7, expenditure on miscellaneous consumer services during the last 30 days are recorded. In Block 8, expenditure on repairs and maintenance of selected items, Annual Maintenance Contract payments, hotel lodging charges, and other selected services during the last 365 days are recorded. In Block 9, Food expenditure in hotels and restaurants during the last 7 days are recorded. | 1522649 | 26 |
Block 10 - Expenditure on durable goods acquired during the last 365 days other those used exclusively for entrepreneurial activity. | In Block 10, expenditure on durable goods acquired during the last 365 days other than those used exclusively for entrepreneurial activity were recorded. | 527093 | 30 |