India - Unincorporated Non-Agricultural Enterprises (Excluding Construction) - JULY 2015 - JUNE 2016, 73 round
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-73Rnd-Sch2.34-July2015-June2016 |
Year | 0 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office - M/o Statistics and Programme Implementation(MOSPI),Government of India (GOI) |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata | Documentation in PDF |
Created on
Mar 27, 2018
Last modified
Dec 14, 2020
Page views
- (Semi-Round-1)- Bloc
k 1-Identification o
f sample enterprises - (Semi-Round-1)- Bloc
k 2-Particulars of o
peration and backgro
und information - (Semi-Round-1)-Block
2pt1-Activities pur
sued by the enterpri
se during last 30 da
ys ended. - (Semi-Round-1)-Block
3-Principal operati
ng expenses during l
ast 30 days - (Semi-Round-1)-Block
4-Other operating e
xpenses during last
30 days - (Semi-Round-1)-Block
5-Principal receipt
s during last 30 day
s - (Semi-Round-1)-Block
6-Other receipts du
ring last 30 days - (Semi-Round-1)-Block
7-Calculation of gr
oss value added duri
ng last 30 days - (Semi-Round-1)-Block
8-Employment partic
ulars of the enterpr
ise during last 30 d
ays - (Semi-Round-1)-Block
9-Compensation to w
orkers during last 3
0 days. - (Semi-Round-1)-Block
10-Land and fixed a
ssets owned and hire
d as on the last dat
e of reference year
and monthly rent pay
able on hired assets - (Semi-Round-1)- Bloc
k 10pt1-Original val
ue of plant and mach
inery equipment - (Semi-Round-1)-Block
11- Loan outstandin
g as on last date of
the reference year - (Semi-Round-1)-Block
11pt1-The amount of
loan advanced by fi
nancial enterprises
(excluding stock bro
cker sub-broker) - (Semi-Round-1)-Block
12-Factor income of
the enterprise duri
ng last 30 days (onl
y for non-financial
enterprises) - (Semi-Round-1)-Block
13-Inventories duri
ng the reference yea
r for enterprises pr
oviding data from bo
oks of accounts. - (Semi-Round-1)-Block
14- Particulars of
use of information a
nd communication tec
hnology(ICT) by the
enterprise with 10 o
r more workers durin
g last 365 days - (Semi-Round-1)-Block
15-Particulars of f
ield operation - (Semi-Round-2)- Bloc
k 1-Identification o
f sample enterprises - (Semi-Round-2)- Bloc
k 2-Particulars of o
peration and backgro
und information - (Semi-Round-2)-Block
2pt1-Activities pur
sued by the enterpri
se during last 30 da
ys ended. - (Semi-Round-2)-Block
3-Principal operati
ng expenses during l
ast 30 days - (Semi-Round-2)-Block
4-Other operating e
xpenses during last
30 days - (Semi-Round-2)-Block
5-Principal receipt
s during last 30 day
s - (Semi-Round-2)-Block
6-Other receipts du
ring last 30 days - (Semi-Round-2)-Block
7-Calculation of gr
oss value added duri
ng last 30 days - (Semi-Round-2)-Block
8-Employment partic
ulars of the enterpr
ise during last 30 d
ays - (Semi-Round-2)-Block
9-Compensation to w
orkers during last 3
0 days. - (Semi-Round-2)-Block
10-Land and fixed a
ssets owned and hire
d as on the last dat
e of reference year
and monthly rent pay
able on hired assets - (Semi-Round-2)- Bloc
k 10pt1-Original val
ue of plant and mach
inery equipment - (Semi-Round-2)-Block
11- Loan outstandin
g as on last date of
the reference year - (Semi-Round-2)-Block
11pt1-The amount of
loan advanced by fi
nancial enterprises
(excluding stock bro
cker sub-broker) - (Semi-Round-2)-Block
12-Factor income of
the enterprise duri
ng last 30 days (onl
y for non-financial
enterprises) - (Semi-Round-2)-Block
13-Inventories duri
ng the reference yea
r for enterprises pr
oviding data from bo
oks of accounts - (Semi-Round-2)-Block
14- Particulars of
use of information a
nd communication tec
hnology(ICT) by the
enterprise with 10 o
r more workers durin
g last 365 days - (Semi-Round-2)-Block
15-Particulars of f
ield operation
Variable Groups
Data Description
Data File: (Semi-Round-1)-Block 3-Principal operating expenses during last 30 days
Content | Block 3 has information on operating expenses by enterprises on different activities pursued by them. Operating expenses of manufacturing, non-capita power generation and transmission activities, trading activity, transportation, travel agency and tour operator activities warehousing and support activities for transportation, postal and courier activities, accomodation and food service activities, information and communication activities, financial activities , business and professional service activities, educational activities etc are collected in this block. |
Cases | 555725 |
Variable(s) | 27 |
Name | Label | Question | |
ENTID | ‘Primary key - unique identifier for an enterprise’ | ||
CentreCodeRnd | Centre code,Round | ||
Vill_Blk_Slno | FSU Serial No. | ||
Round | Round | ||
Schedule | Schedule | ||
Sample | Sample | ||
Sector | Sector | ||
State_Region | ‘State-Region’ | ||
State | State | ||
State_District | ‘State-District’ | ||
Stratum | Stratum | ||
SubStratumNo | Sub-Stratum-no | ||
SubRound | Sub-Round | ||
SubSample | Sub-Sample | ||
FODSubRegion | FOD-Sub-Region | ||
HG_SubBlkNo | Hamlet group/Sub-block no. | ||
Second_Stratum | Second-Stage-Stratum-no | ||
ent_no | Sample enterprise No. | ||
Level | ‘Level 4-block 3’ | ||
b3_q2 | item consumed | ||
b3_q3 | 3 digit product code | ||
b3_q4 | Value(Rs.) | ||
NSS | number of first stage units surveyed within a substratum for the sub-sample | ||
NSC | number of first stage units surveyed within a substratum for sub-sample combined | ||
MLT | weight or multiplier within a substratum for the sub-sample | ||
Weight_SS | Final weight for sub-sample wise estimates | ||
Weight_SC | Final weight for sub-sample combined estimates | ||
Total variable(s):
27 |