India - Economic Activities of the Tribals: NSS 44th Round, Schedule 29.2, July 1988 - June 1989
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-44Rnd-Sch29pt2-July1988-June1989 |
Year | 1988 - 1989 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
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Created on
Mar 10, 2016
Last modified
Mar 31, 2016
Page views
- Blocks 1, 5_househol
d characteristics - Block 6_demographic
particulars of house
hold member - Block 7_particulars
of assistance receiv
ed by the household
during last 3 year - Block 8_particulars
of land owned and po
ssessed - Block 9_particulars
of disposal of land
during last 5 years - Blocks 10, 12_input
items used for culti
vation during 1987-8
8 and particulars of
wage employment in
forestry operation - Block 11_particulars
of crops produced d
uring 1987-88 - Block 13_particulars
of forest produce c
ollected, consumed a
t home and sold by h
ousehold members dur
ing last 30 days as
self-employed - Block 14_particulars
of household enterp
rise (other than cul
tivation) during las
t 30 days - Block 15_particulars
of products (other
than forest products
) marketed during la
st 30 days - Block 16_inventory o
f assets owned on th
e date of survey - Block 17_particulars
of dues payable by
the household and tr
ansaction of loans d
uring last 365 days
Variable Groups
Data Description
Data File: Block 17_particulars of dues payable by the household and transaction of loans during last 365 days
Content | Block 17 records particulars of dues payable by the household and transaction of loans during last 365 days. |
Cases | 4260 |
Variable(s) | 38 |
Structure: | Type: relational Keys: HHID (Key to identify a household) |
Name | Label | Question | |
HHID | Key to identify a household | ||
RoundSchedule | Round Schedule | ||
FlotNo | Flot No. | ||
Sector | Sector | ||
Sample | Sample Type | ||
St_Region | State Region | ||
State | State | ||
Stratum | Stratum | ||
Stratum_type | Stratum type | ||
SubSample | Sub Sample | ||
Vill_Blk_Slno | Village/Bl. Srl. No. | ||
Area_type | Area Type | ||
Sub_Stratum | Sub Stratum | ||
Hhold_no | Sample Household No. | ||
Sub_Round | Sub Round | ||
Level | Level | ||
B17_q1 | Serial no. of loan | ||
B17_q2 | Cash or kind (Code) | What is the nature of dues payable by the household? Are they cash dues or kind dues? | |
B17_q3 | Original amount borrowed (Rs.) | How much was the original amount borrowed? | |
B17_q4a | Month of borrowing | Which month the loan was borrowed? | |
B17_q4b | Year of borrowing | Which year the loan was borrowed? | |
B17_q5 | Duration of outstanding loan (Years) | Since how many years the loan has been outstanding? | |
B17_q6 | Credit agency (Code) | Which was the credit agency from whom loan was taken? | |
B17_q7 | Nature of interest | What is the nature of interest of loan? | |
B17_q8 | Rate of interest (% per annum) (0.00) | What is the annual rate of interest of loan? | |
B17_q9 | Purpose of loan (Code) | Why the loan was taken by the household? | |
B17_q10 | Type of security (Code) | What type of security was given for obtaining loan? | |
B17_q11 | Repayment of loan during last year - Principal (Rs.) | How much principal amount was repaid by the household during last year? | |
B17_q12 | Repayment of loan during last year - Interest (Rs.) | How much interest on loan was repaid by the household during last year? | |
B17_q13 | Repayment of loan during last year - Total (Rs.) | How much total loan amount was repaid by the household during last year? | |
B17_q14 | Liquidation of loan during last year - Principal (Rs.) | How much principal amount of loan was liquidated during last year? | |
B17_q15 | Liquidation of loan during last year - Interest (Rs.) | How much interest on loan was liquidated during last year? | |
B17_q16 | Liquidation of loan during last year - Total (Rs.) | How much loan amount was liquidated during last year? | |
B17_q17 | Amount outstanding on the date of survey - Principal (Rs.) | How much principal amount was outstanding on the date of survey? | |
B17_q18 | Amount outstanding on the date of survey - Interest (Rs.) | How much interest was outstanding on the date of survey? | |
B17_q19 | Amount outstanding on the date of survey - Total (Rs.) | How much total loan amount was outstanding on the date of survey? | |
Tribal_code | Tribal code | ||
MPCE | HH MPCE (Rs 0.00) | cash dues and grain & other commodity dues payable by the household and transaction of loans during last 365 days | |
Total variable(s):
38 |