India - Land and Livestock Holdings Survey: NSS 48th Round, Schedule 18.1, January - December 1992: Visit - 2
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-48Rnd-Sch18dot1-visit2-1992 |
Year | 0 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
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Created on
Mar 11, 2016
Last modified
Mar 31, 2016
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Data Collection
Data Collection Mode
Face-to-face [f2f]Data Collection Notes
The survey period for the forty-eighth round survey was the calendar year 1992. In order to reduce recall error, particulars relating to the entire agricultural year were collected by visiting each sample household twice during the survey period. The first visits to the sample households were made during January to August, while the second visits were made during September to December. The longer period for the first visit reflected the higher workload for the field staff during this visit compared to the second visit. The information on holdings operated during the Kharif season of the agricultural year 1991-92 was collected in first visit, while that on holdings operated during the Rabi season was collected in the second visit. In addition, particulars of operational holdings with the agricultural year 1991-92 as the reference period were also collected in the second visit.
STRUCTURE OF THE SCHEDULE: As already stated , the survey was conducted in two visits and some items of information were collected in only one of them. The schedules of enquiry for the two visits were structured accordingly. In all, the schedule consisted of 19 blocks (including two sub-blocks). Of these, blocks 0 to 4 and 10 were common to the schedules for both the visits and had exactly the same formats. However, since block 10 is meant for recording some auxiliary information about operational holdings of an agricultural season, it had Kharif and Rabi seasons as the reference periods in visit one and two respectively. Blocks 5 and 9 also appeared in the schedules for both the visits, but their formats were not the same. Of the remaining blocks, six appeared only in the schedule for visit-1 and five (including two sub-blocks) in only that for visit-2. The detailed structures of the visit-1 and visit-2 schedules, along with the reference periods are indicated below:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
Block block heading appearing in reference
no. the schedule for date/period
(1) (2) (3) (4)
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0 - descriptive identification of sample household visit 1 & 2 -
1 - identification of sample household visit 1 & 2 -
2 - particulars of field operation visit 1 & 2 -
3 - remarks by investigator visit 1 & 2 -
4 - remarks by supervisory officer(s) visit 1 & 2 -
5 - household characteristics visit 1 & 2(different formats) various
5.1 -particulars of partitioned households visit 2 only Rabi
6 - household members & their activity particulars visit 1 only various
7 - particulars of area owned(other than homestead visit 1 only date of survey
land) and particulars of area leased out by the
household as on the date ofsurvey
8 - particulars of area leased in/otherwise possessed visit 1 only date of survey
(other than homestead land) by the household.
9 - particulars of plots possessed by operational visit 1 Kharif
holding during major part of Kharif/Rabi visit 2 Rabi
(different formats)
9.1 - particulars of plots included in operational visit 2 only Rabi
holding of Kharif but not in rabi
10 - some gereral information of operational holdings visit 1 Kharif
for Kharif/rabi visit 2 Rabi
11 - number of cattle and buffaloes owned visit 1 only date of survey
12 - number of other livestock & poultry owned visit 1 only date of survey
13 - particulars of agricultural machinery and visit 1 only date of survey
implements owned on the date of survey
14 - particulars of plots possessed by operational visit 2 only agr. year
holding no..during major part of 1991-92
15 - some general information of operational holdings visit 2 only agr. year
for agri-cultural year 1991-92
16 - ownership and exploitation of trees visit 2 only date of survey & 365 days
preceding the date of survey.
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Data Collectors
Name | Abbreviation | Affiliation |
Field Operations Division of Naional Sample Survey Office | NSSO(FOD) | Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation |