INDIA - Survey on Health Care: NSS 52nd Round, Schedule 25, 1995 - 1996
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-52-25.0-2011 |
Year | 1995 - 1996 |
Country | INDIA |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office |
Sponsor(s) | Govt. Of India - - Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation - - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
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Created on
Mar 16, 2016
Last modified
Mar 31, 2016
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ID Number DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-52-25.0-2011 |
Version Description
Introduction:The National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) in its 52nd round (July’95 – June’96) carried out a nation wide survey on social consumption to ascertain the extent of utilisation of facilities in the field of Education and Health. Earlier, two comprehensive surveys on social consumption were carried out in the 35th round (July’80 – June’81) and 42nd round (July’86 – June’87).
This report is on morbidity and health care based on the "Central Sample” data collected in the 52nd round. The report presents data on the nature of ailments and cost and sources of curative treatments received by the general population; details of patients receiving hospitalised and non-hospitalised treatments by age, sex, nature of ailments, type of institution, etc.; utilisation of various public health care facilities; private expenditure on curative medical treatment; incidence and prevalence of various chronic and acute ailments.
Subject Coverage:
The four main topics covered in the 52nd round are:
(i) Utilisation of maternity and child health care services
(ii) Morbidity and utilisation of medical services
(iii) Problems of aged persons
(iv) Participation in education .
The survey on morbidity was conducted for the first time in the 7th round (Oct. 1953 - March 1954). A full-scale survey on morbidity was conducted in the 28th round (Oct. 1973 - June 1974). The NSSO carried out the first all- India Survey on Social Consumption in its 35th round (July 1980 - June 1981).The second survey on Social Consumption was carried out in the 42nd round (July 1986 - June 1987) , topics of Problems of Aged Persons were included in this round. The third Survey on Social Consumption, was carried out in the 52nd round (July 1995 - June 1996).
Geographical coverage:
The entire area of the country, was covered with the exception of some interior areas of (i) Nagaland and Andaman & Nicobar Islands (ii) Ladakh, Kargil and (iv) Dodha districts of Jammu & Kashmir.
Period of survey and work programme:
The period of survey is from 1st July 1995 to 30th June 1996.
The survey period is divided into four sub-rounds of three months' duration each as follows:
sub-round 1 : July - September 1995
sub-round 2 : October - December 1995
sub-round 3 : January - March 1996
sub-round 4 : April - June 1996
In each of these four sub-rounds equal number of census villages and urban blocks as the first-stage units(FSUs) for the rural and urban areas respectively, and households as the secondstage units(SSUs) was covered to ensure uniform spread of sample FSUs over the entire survey period.
Kind of Data
Sample survey data [ssd]Units of Analysis
Households and personsScope
The survey collected data on household characteristics, demographic particulars of household members, education participation for the currently attending persons.The scope of the Multiple Indicator Sample Survey includes:
Household characteristics:
Household size,number of persons (60+),social group,household type,household monthly consumption expenditure(Rs),Per capita monthly consumption expenditure(Rs),major source of drinking
water(perennial/constructed),type of structure,type of dwelling unit,type of latrine,type of drainage,premises sprayed with any insecticides,animal shed in the same premises,whether any
death during last 365 days,number of deaths,number of members hospitalised during last 365 days,number of members reporting any ailment during last 15 days,number of family
nuclei,whether separate rooms for aged couples/persons,whether aware of need for immunisation of children,pregnent women,iodised salt,ORT for severe diarrhoea,annual amount of
insurance premium(life,medical,accident).
Household consumer expenditure records
Demographic particulars of household members:
Relation to head,sex,age,marital status,general education level,usual activity status,NIC code if working in principal status/subsidiary status,occupation,during last year no of times
hospitalised,whether ailing during last 15 days,whether ailing on the day before the date of survey(if yes,whether usual activity disrupted).
Particulars of deaths during last 365 days:
name of the deceased member,sex,age at death,time elapsed since death,cause of death,place of death,medical attention before death,during last 365 days whether hospitalised,no of times
hospitalised,if pregnent time of death.
Particulars of medical treatment recieved:
no of hospitalisation cases,no of members hospitalised,age,sex,type of hospital,nature of ailment,type of ward,when admitted,when discharged,duration of stay in hospital,medical services
recieved,source of treatment if treatment availed before hospitalisation and duration of treatment,whether treatment continued after discharge(if yes,source of treatment,duration of
Expenses incurred for treatment :
seriial no of hospitalisatiion,serial no of member hospitalised,record type,medical services provided,any hospital charges paid,amount paid,total medical expenditure,particulars of other expenses
incurred(transport,lodging charges of escorts,attending charges,personal medical appliance,total),any loss of household income incurred,amount of loss.
Source of finance:
current income,past savings,sale of animals,sale of ornaments,sale of other physical assets,borrowings,other sources,reimbursement by employers,type of employer,other agencies
Nature of ailment, status of ailment, sources of treatment, whether treated, whether treatment received from non-govt sources, loss of household income, whether any other measure taken
for recovery/relief, expenses incurred during last 15 days for treatment of members.
- INFANTS(0-4 yrs):
Age, whether BCG taken(source), whether OPV taken(source), whether measles vaccine taken, whether child registered for paediatric care, type of doctor/hospital, food suppliment programme
received during last 365 days/feeding centre/no.of days received/type of food received, infant fedeing practices, age at introduction of supplements, type of breast feed supplements, reason
for introducting supplements
- PERSONS(10 years and above):
Use of tobacco/intoxicants:
serial no of members,sex, age,whether regularly consuming(alcohol,biri/cigar/cigarette/hukka,tobacco,ganja,charas,opium)
- WOMEN (below 50 yrs):
Particulars of pregnancies of ever married women:
age,whether pregnent,status of pregnancies,total no of pregnencies,abortions,deliveries,births,surviving children ?
Particulars of pre natal care who were pregnant during the last 365 days:
Age, whether registered for pre natal care, type of hospital/doctor, no. of times attended, reason for seeking pre natal care, during pregnancy whether injected with tetanus toxoid(if yes,
source), IFA( if yes, source), whether hospitalised due to complications in pregnancy, whether food supplements given during pregnancy, source of food supllements
Particulars of maternity:
Age, medical attendence at child birth, place of child birth, type of delivery, if the delivery is at home or other places then the reason for not going to the hospital, for dleiveries in hostpital what
is the type of hospital, type of ward, duration of mother's stay at the hospital, whether required more than normal stay for post natal complications, post natal care
- PERSONS(60 yrs and above):
Economic independence and chronic ailments:
Age, no. of sons, no. of daughters, if ever economically active, state of economic independence, no. of dependents, persons supporting the aged
persons, amount of loan outstanding, living arrangemnet, whether physically imobile, what is the kind of disability if disabled, chronic ailments( cough,piles,problem of joints, high/low B.P., heart
problem, urinary problems, diabetes, cancer), current state of health
Particulars of retirement who are currently unemployed:
Age, usual activity for major part of working life, age of retirement, industry section (NIC 1987), occupation division at time of retirement, cause of retirement or withdrawal,if retired due to
work then whther compensation received or covered by compensation, retirement benefits,
whether made provisions for regular income
Particulars of familial integration:
Living arrangement, does the aged person participate in ownership or managenment of financial assets/property/social matters/religious matters/daily houshold chores, whether aware of home
for the aged/institutions for elderly, are the day to day requirements of food , clothing and medicines met adequately.
Health Care, 52nd Round, Schedule 25, 1995 - 1996Coverage
Geographic Coverage
The entire area of the country, was covered with the exception of some interior areas of (i) Nagaland and Andaman & Nicobar Islands (ii) Ladakh, Kargil and (iv) Dodha districts of Jammu & Kashmir.Universe
Households and members of the householdProducers and Sponsors
Primary Investigator(s)
Name | Affiliation |
National Sample Survey Office | NSSO |
Name | Abbreviation | Role |
Govt. Of India | ||
Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation |
Metadata Production
Metadata Produced By
Name | Abbreviation | Affiliation | Role |
Computer Centre | CC | C |
Date of Metadata Production
2011-05-16DDI Document Version
DD-IND-CC-NSSO-2011DDI Document ID