India - Unorganised Service Sector: NSS 57th Round, Schedule 2.345, July 2001 - June 2002
Reference ID | IND-NSSO-57Rnd-Sch2.345-US-2002 |
Year | 2001 - 2002 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | NSSO |
Sponsor(s) | Ministry of Statiistics and PI - MOSPI, Government of India - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
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Created on
Jul 29, 2016
Last modified
Sep 02, 2016
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Data Description
Data File: W1- Identification,GVA and Employment
Content | Data contained in different blocks of schedule 2.345 for each enterprise (SSU) are organized in two separate work files. There are 2 work files ( whcc201 & whcc202 ) at enterprise level, which means there will be only one record for each enterprise. Enterprise level different characteristics are available in these work files along with identification particulars. This one contains information drawn from [0] descriptive identification of sample enterprise [1] identification of sample enterprise / establishment [2] particulars of operation and background information [5] calculation of gross value added for the reference month (Rs. in whole number) [6] employment particulars of the enterprise during the reference month. Datasets renamed as: W1:Identification,GVA and Employment General a) Each record contains sub-sample code both in byte positions 11 & 23. For sub-sample wise tabulation, code given in position 23 is to be used. For getting count of sample number of enterprises for any parameter take count of only those records where sub-sample codes available in two places match. B) Note: yearly values are obtained from the monthly values by multiplying 12 in case of perennial & casual enterprises and no. of months operated in case of seasonal enterprises. |
Cases | 361776 |
Variable(s) | 83 |
Name | Label | Question | |
WK_ID | Work-file-id | Work File Identification "W1" | |
Flot | Flot Number | Flot Number used for administrative purposes | |
RND_SCH | Round - Schedule | Round - Schedule | |
SS_Original | SS - Original | SS - Original | |
Sector | Sector code | Sector 1-Rural, 2-Urban | |
ST_RGN | State Region | State -Region Code | |
Distt | District | District code of States | |
STRTM | Stratum | Stratum Number | |
SUB_STRTM | Sub-Stratum | Sub-Stratum Number | |
SUB_RND | Sub-Round | Sub-Round No. 1 to 4 | |
SUB_SMP | Sub-Sample | Sub-Sample 1 and 2 | |
FSU_NO | Fsu -No | Fsu -No | |
SEGMENT | Segment | Segment number: Entry against this item will be 1, 2 or 9 depending on whether the enterprise being surveyed belong to segment 1, 2 or 9 of the sample village / block / ward. | |
BAG | broad activity group | Broad Activity Group (code) | |
ENT_TYPE | Enterprise-Type | Enterprise type: Enterprises will be given codes 1 or 2 as follows:own account enterprise (OAE) - 1, establishment - 2. | |
ENT_SNO | Enterprise-Serial-No. | Enterprise-Serial-No. | |
SURV_CD | Survey Code | survey code: original enterprise surveyed - 1, substitute surveyed - 2, casualty - 3 | |
SUBST_CD | Reason-for-substitution | Reason-for-substitution | |
NSS | Nss | NSS: Number of Sub Sample | |
NSC | Nsc | NSC: Number of Combined sample | |
WGT | Multiplier | Multiplier Factor | |
NIC | Nic 5-digit code | Nic 5-digit code NIC 98 | |
TAB_CAT | Tabulation category | Tabulation category | |
Time_convass | Time taken to canvas | Time taken to canvas the survey | |
B2q1 | Mixed activity code | whether mixed activity? (yes -1, no -2) | |
B2q3 | Nature of operation | Nature of operation: perennial enterprise-1. seasonal enterprise -2. Casual enterprise-3. | |
B2q4 | Type of ownership code | Type of ownership code | |
B2q5 | Social group of owner | ||
B2q6 | Location of enterprise | Location of the enterprise: Codes are 1-6 (2-6 for outside household premises) | |
B2q7 | Whether pvt. Non-profit institution | whether private non-profit institution? (yes-1, no-2) | |
B2q8 | Account maintained code | Whether accounts maintained 1-Yes 2-No | |
B2q9 | Whether registered (y | Whether registered under companies act? (yes - 1, no - 2): | |
B2q10 | Registered act - 1 | ||
B2q11 | Registered act - 2 | Registered act - 2 | |
B2q12 | Nature-problem-1 | Nature of problems faced, if any, during the last 365 days (code) | |
B2q13 | Nature-problem-2 | Nature of problems faced, if any, during the last 365 days (code) | |
B2q14 | Work-on-contract | Does the enterprise undertake any work on contract basis? (yes - 1, no - 2) | |
B2q15 | Type-assistance-1 | Types of assistance received during the last 5 years (code): | |
B2q16 | Type-assistance-2 | Types of assistance received during the last 5 years (code): | |
B2q17 | No-of-other-activity | Number of other economic activities undertaken during last 365 days | |
B2q18 | Status-of-enterprise | Number of other economic activities undertaken during last 365 days | |
B2q19 | No-of-months-operated | No-of-months-operated | |
B6q1c3 | Owner-full time-female | Working owner-Full Time-Female | |
B6q1c4 | Owner-full time-male | Working owner-Full Time-Male | |
B6q1c5 | Owner part time-female | Working owner-Part Time-Female | |
B6q1c6 | Owner-part time-male | Working owner-Part Time-Male | |
B6q1c7 | Owner-total-worker | Working owner-Total worker | |
B6q2c3 | Hired-skilled-ful time-female | Hired worker-skilled and full time- female | |
B6q2c4 | Hired-skilled-full time-male | Hired worker-skilled and full time- male | |
B6q2c5 | Hired-skilled-part time-female | Hired worker-skilled and Part time- female | |
B6q2c6 | Hired-skilled-part time-male | Hired worker-skilled and Part time- male | |
B6q2c7 | Hired-skilled-total-worker | Hired worker-skilled - Total worker | |
B6q3c3 | Hired-unskilled-full time-female | Hired worker -Unskilled and full time- female | |
B6q3c4 | Hired-unskilled-full time-male | Hired worker -Unskilled and full time- male | |
B6q3c5 | Hired-unskilled-full time-female | Hired worker -Unskilled and Part time- female | |
B6q3c6 | Hired-unskilled-full time-male | Hired worker -Unskilled and Part time- male | |
B6q3c7 | Hired-unskilled-total-worker | Hired worker -Unskilled -Total worker | |
B6q4c3 | Other-full Time-female | Other worker- full time- female | |
B6q4c4 | Otherfull Time-male | Other worker- full time- male | |
B6q4c5 | Other-full Time-female | Other worker-Partl time- female | |
B6q4c6 | Other-full Time-male | Other worker- Part time-male | |
B6q4c7 | Other-total-worker | Other worker- Total | |
B6q5c3 | Total-full Time-female | Total worker- full time- female | |
B6q5c4 | Total-full Time-male | Total worker- full time- male | |
B6q5c5 | Total-part Time-female | Total worker- Part time- female | |
B6q5c6 | Total-part Time-male | Total worker- Part time- male | |
B6q5c7 | Total-worker | Total worker | |
B5q501 | Yearly expenses | Yearly expenses | |
B5q502 | Yearly-dis-expenses | distributive expenses | |
B5q503 | Yearly receipt | Yearly receipt | |
B5q509 | Yearly-gva-production | Yearly-gva-production | |
B7q3 | Yearly emolument | Yearly emolument | |
B8q6c6 | Yearly rent | Yearly rent | |
B9q10c4 | Yearly interest | Yearly interest | |
B7q4 | Average-daily-wage-female | Average-daily-wage-female | |
B7q5 | Average-daily-wage-male | Average-daily-wage-male | |
B8q5c3 | Total Asset owner | Total Asset owner | |
B8q5c4 | Total Asset hired | Total Asset hired | |
B1q17 | Informant code | Informant code (1,2 and 9) | |
B1q18 | Response code | Response code | |
TOT_WORKER | Total worker | Total worker | |
WGT_SS | Multiplier Sub Sample | Multiplier Sub Sample: This is teh weight for sub sample | |
WGT_Combined | Multiplier Combined | Multiplier Combined- Weight for Combined sample | |
Total variable(s):
83 |