India - Survey of Disabled Persons, NSS 58th Round, Schedule 26, July 2002 - Dec 2002
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-58Rnd-Sch26-July2002-Dec2002 |
Year | 2002 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
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Created on
Aug 01, 2016
Last modified
Sep 02, 2016
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File: Block 5_Particulars of physical disability of the disabled member
File: Block 5_Particulars of physical disability of the disabled member
Discrete Format: character Width: 2 | Valid cases: 54648 Invalid: 0 |
Questions and instructions
Literal question
If the member is having disability from birth, then what is the cause of disability?
Interviewer instructions
The most probable cause as known, which led to the disability, will be recorded in terms of code in this column. It may be noted that these causes are as known and reported by the informant and may or may not be the actual medical cause of disability. If more than one cause is reported by the informant, the code for the cause coming first among them is to be recorded.
Causes of mental disability are:
pregnancy & birth related ………… 1
serious illness during childhood …. 2
head injury in childhood …………. 3
heredity …………………………… 4
other reasons …………………….. 9
not known ……………………….. 5
Childhood means children below 5 years of age.
Causes of visual disability are:
sore eyes during the first month of life .......…. 01 small pox ………………….. 08
sore eyes after one month ......................…….. 02 burns ………….……………. 12
severe diarrhoea before the age of six years …. 03 injury other than burns ……… 13
cataract ........................................……………. 04 medical/surgical intervention … 14
glaucoma ........................................…………. 05 old age ………………………. 15
corneal opacity .................................………… 06 other reasons ...................….… 99
other eye diseases ...............................………. 07 not known .....................…….. 16
The code for 'old age' is to be given only if it is reported so by the respondent and no other code among 01 to 08 or 12 to 14 is applicable.
Causes of hearing disability are:
German measles/rubella …………. 01 injury other than burns …………. 13
noise induced hearing loss ………. 02 medical/surgical intervention …… 14
ear discharge ……………………. 03 old age …………………………. 15
other illness ……….…………….. 04 other reasons .............................. 99
burns ………….………………… 12 not known .................................. 16
The code for 'old age' is to be given only if it is reported so by the respondent and no other code 01 to 04 or 12 to 14 is applicable.
Causes of speech disability are:
hearing impairment …………… 01 burns ...........................….…… 12
voice disorder ………………… 02 injury other than burns .............. 13
cleft palate/lip ………………… 03 medical/surgical intervention...... 14
paralysis ………………….…… 04 old age ….....................……….. 15
mental illness / retardation …… 05 other reasons ........................…. 99
other illness ………………….. 06 not known ...........….................. 16
The code for 'old age' is to be given only if it is reported so by the respondent and no other code 01 to 06 or 12 to 14 is applicable.
Causes of locomotor disability are:
cerebral palsy ……………………. 01 tuberculosis …………………….. 10
polio ……………………………… 02 other illness …………………….. 11
leprosy cured ……………………. 03 burns ............................................ 12
leprosy not cured ……………….. 04 injury other than burns ................. 13
stroke …………………………… 05 medical/surgical intervention .......... 14
arthritis …………………………. 06 old age ........................................... 15
cardio-respiratory disease ……… 07 other reasons .................................. 99
cancer …………………………... 08 not known ...................................... 16
The code for 'old age' is to be given only if it is reported so by the respondent and no other code 01 to 08 or 10 to 14 is applicable.
Causes of mental disability are:
pregnancy & birth related ………… 1
serious illness during childhood …. 2
head injury in childhood …………. 3
heredity …………………………… 4
other reasons …………………….. 9
not known ……………………….. 5
Childhood means children below 5 years of age.
Causes of visual disability are:
sore eyes during the first month of life .......…. 01 small pox ………………….. 08
sore eyes after one month ......................…….. 02 burns ………….……………. 12
severe diarrhoea before the age of six years …. 03 injury other than burns ……… 13
cataract ........................................……………. 04 medical/surgical intervention … 14
glaucoma ........................................…………. 05 old age ………………………. 15
corneal opacity .................................………… 06 other reasons ...................….… 99
other eye diseases ...............................………. 07 not known .....................…….. 16
The code for 'old age' is to be given only if it is reported so by the respondent and no other code among 01 to 08 or 12 to 14 is applicable.
Causes of hearing disability are:
German measles/rubella …………. 01 injury other than burns …………. 13
noise induced hearing loss ………. 02 medical/surgical intervention …… 14
ear discharge ……………………. 03 old age …………………………. 15
other illness ……….…………….. 04 other reasons .............................. 99
burns ………….………………… 12 not known .................................. 16
The code for 'old age' is to be given only if it is reported so by the respondent and no other code 01 to 04 or 12 to 14 is applicable.
Causes of speech disability are:
hearing impairment …………… 01 burns ...........................….…… 12
voice disorder ………………… 02 injury other than burns .............. 13
cleft palate/lip ………………… 03 medical/surgical intervention...... 14
paralysis ………………….…… 04 old age ….....................……….. 15
mental illness / retardation …… 05 other reasons ........................…. 99
other illness ………………….. 06 not known ...........….................. 16
The code for 'old age' is to be given only if it is reported so by the respondent and no other code 01 to 06 or 12 to 14 is applicable.
Causes of locomotor disability are:
cerebral palsy ……………………. 01 tuberculosis …………………….. 10
polio ……………………………… 02 other illness …………………….. 11
leprosy cured ……………………. 03 burns ............................................ 12
leprosy not cured ……………….. 04 injury other than burns ................. 13
stroke …………………………… 05 medical/surgical intervention .......... 14
arthritis …………………………. 06 old age ........................................... 15
cardio-respiratory disease ……… 07 other reasons .................................. 99
cancer …………………………... 08 not known ...................................... 16
The code for 'old age' is to be given only if it is reported so by the respondent and no other code 01 to 08 or 10 to 14 is applicable.