India - Household Consumer Expenditure, NSS 58th Round, Schedule 1, July 2002 - December 2002
Reference ID | DDI-IND-MOSPI-NSSO-58Rnd-Sch1.0-2002 |
Year | 2002 |
Country | India |
Producer(s) | National Sample Survey Office |
Sponsor(s) | M/o Statistics & Programme Implementation, GOI - MOSPI - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
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Created on
Jul 29, 2016
Last modified
Sep 02, 2016
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- Blocks 1,3,10_Househ
old Characteristics - Block 4_Person recor
ds - Block 5_Monthly hous
ehold expenditure on
food and non-food i
tems - Block 5pt1_Monthly h
ousehold expenditure
on fuel and light - Block 6_Annual house
hold expenditure on
clothing - Block 7_Annual house
hold expenditure on
footwear - Block 8pt1_Annual ho
usehold expenditure
on education and med
ical (institutional)
goods and services - Block 8pt2_Monthly h
ousehold expenditure
on medical (non-ins
titutional) goods an
d services - Block 9_Annual house
hold expenditure on
Variable Groups
File: Block 4_Person records
File: Block 4_Person records
Discrete Format: character Width: 2 | Valid cases: 154198 Invalid: 0 |
MPCE classes :
It is the usual practice, in NSS consumer expenditure reports, to present various estimates, including state and all-India level values of different socio-economic indicators, and distributions of households and all-India level values of different socio-economic indicators, and distributions of households and persons over different socio-economic categories or statuses, separately for a number of classes of the population formed on the basis of MPCE. For this NSS round, 12 MPCE classes were drawn up for each sector - rural and urban - as follows :
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1. 0 - 225 0 - 300
2. 225 - 255 300 - 350
3. 255 - 300 350 - 425
4. 300 - 340 425 - 500
5. 340 - 380 500 - 575
6. 380 - 420 575 - 665
7. 420 - 470 665 - 775
8. 470 - 525 775 - 915
9. 525 - 615 915 - 1120
10. 615 - 775 1120 - 1500
11. 775 - 950 1500 - 1925
12. 950 & above 1925 & above
It is the usual practice, in NSS consumer expenditure reports, to present various estimates, including state and all-India level values of different socio-economic indicators, and distributions of households and all-India level values of different socio-economic indicators, and distributions of households and persons over different socio-economic categories or statuses, separately for a number of classes of the population formed on the basis of MPCE. For this NSS round, 12 MPCE classes were drawn up for each sector - rural and urban - as follows :
(Rs.) (Rs.)
1. 0 - 225 0 - 300
2. 225 - 255 300 - 350
3. 255 - 300 350 - 425
4. 300 - 340 425 - 500
5. 340 - 380 500 - 575
6. 380 - 420 575 - 665
7. 420 - 470 665 - 775
8. 470 - 525 775 - 915
9. 525 - 615 915 - 1120
10. 615 - 775 1120 - 1500
11. 775 - 950 1500 - 1925
12. 950 & above 1925 & above